a Web Design a Social media management
Smart Planning

We listen to you and make special planning for your company. “We Take Action” after choosing your theme


After the planning is done, we publish your project as soon as possible and your advertisements start.

Be 1 Step Ahead

You are taking the first step into the digital world with your SEO compatible infrastructure and dynamic website. Be one step ahead with digital ads.

Quick Business Plan

Your project is included in the business plan as quickly as possible and is completed within a maximum of 15 working days.

Zohi Domain Hosting

Set up seo and mobile compatible sites that you can easily manage with Zohi Hosting packages and go digital. Get your domain name and start growing online today.



In 2008, we entered the digital world under the name Zohi. In the last quarter of 2017, we made a name change and started to carry out projects around the world with our Zohi Software brand.

On the first day of 2020, we started with our Zohi Software and Domain Hosting brands.

We provide Corporate and Private Web Site Design, E-Commerce System, E-Commerce Consulting, Product Entry, Social Media, Creative Design and Content Production services.

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Mobile Compatible

Get the Best Offer for Mobile and SEO Compatible Corporate Websites

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